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Currency for Doge

You've got actual money (from your credit card, debit, wire transfer, certified check, or bank account) you want to buy Dogecoin with your country's currency, USD, Euro, Peso, etc... There various ways in which you can do this.


  1. Currency to Doge websites like Doge for Dollars and Vault of Satoshi

  2. Peer to Peer Exchanges where one person sends another money in exchange for Doge

  3. Currency to digital currencies (BIT, LTC, ...etc) to Doge. A popular way to do this is for instance, buy Bitcoin through a site like Coinbase with your currency, transfer your Bitcoin to a website like Cryptsy (that exchanges Dogecoin) and trade your Bitcoin to Dogecoin with them.

Buying Dogecoin

Doge for Dollars


Currency: All

Minimum Order: 2k

Maximum Order: 30k

Fee: unknown

Deposit: credit card

If you want to buy Doge with your credit or debit card, you can do so on this site. They charge a fee, but they seem to be legit and very fast at transfering your Doge. Check out Reddit stream or Trust Pilot to see testimonials. 


They are in the UK, so depending on where you are, their hours of operation may be a little weird; but if you sign up to their mailing list, you will get an email once they are open. 

Bank of Satoshi was just opened up and is accepting direct USD and Canadian currency for Doge. Exciting! Only draw back right now is that they only accept deposit in certified check, wire transfer ($25 fee) for US customers. Canadian customers however can also deposit using online payment and pre-authorized debit deposits. Or if you live in Canada, you can go to their location in Brantford and deposit via  your debit card in their terminal or drop off a certified check.


I'm sure in the near future they will be accepting other ways for payment. Crossing fingers.

Vault of Satoshi


Currency: US Dollar, Canadian

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: .5% (buy/sell)

Deposit: US - certified check, wire transfer CAD - all + in person debit

Cryptsy is one of the more popular exchanges that trades other digital currency with Doge and is pretty quick to do. Once you have registered with Cryptsy, to trade your Bitcoin to Doge, follow these steps fromt heir site:


1. Login to your Crypsty Account

2. Click on your balances tab

3. Click the BTC or other currency Action button

4. Choose Deposit from drop down
5. Generate address and send the coin to that address





Currency: Most Digital Currencies

Minimum Order: $.10

Maximum Order: 30k

Fee: .2% Buy

Dogecoin Forum Exchange


Currency: All

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: depends on seller

Deposit: depends on seller

Dogecoin forum exchange is a peer to peer trading forum. Users post how much doge they want and sellers post how much Doge they have to sell at what price. Fees will depend on the seller and what you will both agree to negotiate. Please be aware of scams, NoobShibe is not held responsible for any loses you may have. Be cautious when trading peer to peer, while there are a lot of awesome Shibes out there, there may also be a couple bad seeds. Our community takes pride in honest and genrous Shibes, don't be that bad seed. 

The Reddit Doge Market is a peer to peer exchange on Reddit. Users post how much doge they want and sellers post how much Doge they have to sell at what price. Fees will depend on the seller and what you will both agree to negotiate. This market is not only for currency to Doge exchange, but for trades as well. Please be aware of scams, NoobShibe is not held responsible for any loses you may have. Be cautious when trading peer to peer, while there are a lot of awesome Shibes out there, there are also a couple bad seeds. Our community takes pride in honest and genrous Shibes, don't be that bad seed. 

Reddit Doge Market



Currency: All

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: depends on seller

Deposit: depends on seller

Currency Peer to Peer Exchange

Currency to Digital Currency to Doge

For the most part, there are not many places that you can trade actual fiat currency for Doge. You have to go thorugh a middle man to do so. As mentioned above, one of the ways is to buy Bitcoin with your credit card or bank account through Coinbase, transfer your Bitcoins to any of the other exchanges like Cryptsy, Coins-E, Vircurex, Coinedup, or BTER, and then trade those bitcoin for Doge in these exchanges. Below is the link and info for Coinbase and thereafter, the exchangs to transfer the Bitcoin to trade for Doge. 

Coinbase is where you would buy your Bitcoin and then send those Bitcoin to an exchange where you can trade those Bitcoin for Doge. So the way Coinbase works is, you sign up, add your bank account and a credit card to buy instant. The only drawback is that, that credit card needs to be a visa and it cannot be a debit card. This means that your transaction will take anywhere between 4-5 days to go through from your bank account. That is their only drawback. Hopefully they will accept visa and debit soon. 



Currency: All

Minimum Order: $.10

Maximum Order: $3,000-50,000 (depending on level)

Fee: .1% Buy

Coins-E is also a great way to exchange your Bitcoin for Doge. 





Currency: Most Digital Currencies

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: .2% Buy

BTER is another amazing exchange where you can trade your Bitcoin for Doge, and if you sign up through the link on our site above, you get 10% off all trading fees for 6 months. Can't beat that! 


BTER - Get 10% OFF All Trading Fees for 6 Months When You Sign Up Through NoobShibe link here


Currency: Most Digital Currencies

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: .2% Buy

CoinedUp is another exchange to get your Bitcoin transferred to Doge, their login is a ittle tricky. But it is the only FREE exchange. On the bottom of the page it says Sign up with Google ID. Click on that and it will guide you to sign up with your Gmail, press accept and you are good to go! 

The only drawback of this exchange is that it is extremely slow. If you're patient, use Coinedup, you can't beat free. 





Currency: Most Digital Currencies

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: Free

Vircurex is another exchange to get your Bitcoin transferred to Doge, their login is also a little tricky. When you sign up and enter your info and press the sign up button, it jsut takes you back to their home page with no confirmation of your login. But don't fret, 2min later you will get an email to confirm your sign up. Click on the link, Don't worry about the 2 factor authentication just click on the login button and you'll be logged in.





Currency: Most Digital Currencies

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: .2% Buy

Last but not least, eBay is another place where you can buy Doge, peer to peer. The only drawback in buying from eBay is that because the seller has to pay listing fee, seller fees, and Paypal fees, their pricing will be higher than any other exchange. Either way, this is probably safer than any of the other markets since you would be able to get your money back from eBay or Paypal if you don't get your Doge once paid. 



Currency: Doge

Minimum Order: 100

Maximum Order: unlimited

Fee: none

CoinEx is fairly new and still in beta, but it has a cool chat, which most exchanges don't, it has a lot fo digital currencies, and most people really seem to like it. I would say that most people I ahve talked to use Cryptsy and CoinEx. They say it is a little faster at times, and when Cryptsy is down they use it as well. So 2 thumbs up for CoinEx. 



Currency: Most Digital Currencies

Minimum Order: unknown

Maximum Order: unkown

Fee: Free while in beta




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