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Welcome to getting started with Dogecoin. Dogecoin is a new form of cryptocurrency that you can mine, trade, give, sell, and buy stuff with. The more friends you invite to mine, trade, and share, the more fun and the more the currency goes up in price. Below is a basic guide to get you started. Thanks to for the helpful info. To the moon!

Grab a wallet

Before you can start using Dogecoin, you will need to grab a wallet. A wallet is like your bank account for your Dogecoin, here you will keep tabs of how much you have, how much you've traded, given away, received, etc. You keep tabs of everything through addresses in your wallet (which are represented by a long string of numbers).


There are two types of wallets; one stored on your desktop computer, and one stored on the cloud. It is recommended that you keep most of your Dogecoin in your desktop wallet, as it is more seure than the online wallet. But having it in the cloud makes it more accesible for trading if you need to. If you need help setting your wallet up please see our wallet videos here.


Online Wallets - quickest to use, but they recommend only keeping a small amount of Doge here as it is less secure.




Dekstop Wallets - are the most secure as they don't require third party in the cloud. You download these to your desktop to use.

There are currently 2 desktop wallets. One Dogecoin QT and MultiDoge (came out Feb 8th,2014). I personally like Mutlidoge better, it's faster, has more stuff, and is easier to use.   



  • MultiDoge - (available for WIndows, OSX, and Linux)



For Windiws and OSX users, just download the file to your computer, double click the filder to open and install.




Mobile Wallet - (run from your smartphone, this is pretty secure as well)


Get some coins!

Now, that you have your wallet set up, you'll want to get some shiny new DOGE to put in it right? Great! There are several ways in which you can do this.


Water Bowls


Faucets are what the Doge community refers to as water bowls. Faucets/Water bowls, are webites of generous Doge community members that give a little of their Doge fortune to anyone that puts their Doge address on their site.

Simply put, free Doge, generous shibes. Here is a list of active water bowls in our community.





Giveaways of Doges can be found usually on forums and Reddit. Generous members of the Doge community will sometimes just send you Doge by simply putting your address in their thread. Sometimes, if you help answer a question or even help promote their site they'll spare some coin. 


There are special places for giveaways but begging for coin in forums and reddit is prohibited and frowned upon. So don't do it. Here is a cool list of places where you may find giveaways.




Tipping is the act of one user tipping another user through a "tip bot" through either a forum or website. Tipping is a way to publicly show your appreciation for the other user and just letting them know how awesome they are. 


Tip bots manage tips between all users, which means they do not send coins directly to the user's wallet. You have to register for these services separate, but don't need to be registered to receive tips. Some bots include:



Participating in the Doge community will garner you tips. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some fun.




Digging is the act of mining (which is what other coins refer to it as) for newly generated Dogecoin through the processing power of a CPU (Computer Processing Unit) or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). The better your GPU/CPU's the more coins you will be able to mine. Check out our mining section to get started.





You can currently trade Dogecoin for Bitcoin, Litecoin, and a bunch of other cryptocurrencies. In order to do so, you need a third party website to help you out. Here are some that will trade your Doges.









If you have a business or service you provide, you can accept Dogecoin as payment with these great merchant service providers:



Use your coins!


You've learned that you can tip, be tipped, trade, accept payment, and mine Doge. Here are some business directories of companis that accept Dogecoin as payments. As Doge gets more popular, more and more businesses will accept payment thorugh it. So keep the love going. 


Business Directories





Trading Posts


Here you can exchange your Dogecoins for anything you can possibly imagine. 





Online Games


Getting and spending your Doge doesn't have to be boring. You can use your coins to play dice, roulette, lotto, slots, and a tons more games. See some cools sites below:


Don't forget to TIP!

Sharing is caring, and being ghenerous is too. The more we share the bigger the community and coin will become. 




Getting Started

Stay up to date!

Join the community, share, invite friends and keep yourself in the loop with everything Dogecoin. Help us get to the moon!

Here are some good sources for keeping up to date:










© 2014 Noob Shibe | Such Wow Productions.

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