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If you've been around Reddit and some of the Dogecoin forums, you probably have noticed that Dogecoin has its own hybrid language. 


Let's start with how you pronounce "Doge". There are many ways in which you could pronounce "Doge", but ultimately no one has really agreed on one particular way. Below is a graph based on various pronounciations and which one people used the most based on's article and poll by Forrest Wickman.

Woof! Learn our language.

According to the poll, most people prefer to pronounce it "dohj" so we'll stick with this one for now.

Pronounciation of Doge

The Doge community and its coined hybrid language has taken the cryptocurrency world by storm based on the Doge meme and the comic sans font writing over Shiba Inu dog pictures expresing the dog's internal monologue. See pics below:

The Lingo

There are no real rules to the Doge language. As you can see, there are a handful of words that get used often to start your thought. These words include: such, so, very, many, and much.


Single words that are used a lot in the language are: wow, amazeawesome and excite.


As mentions "writing nonesense is not only accepted but encouaged" So feel free to make up your own Doge thoughts.


Here are a few of the more popular ones you may see around:


Much Coin

How Money

Such wow

Much thanks



Much mass

Such gravity

Very Talent

Many wallets

To the moon!


To The Moon, is the term used to signify that the value of Dogecoin is going to skyrocket and be the biggest cryptocurrency there is. To different people it can mean something different. What's your moon? 


Noob, is used ot describe a newbie in the Doge community.


Shibe, is used as slang to refer to the Shiba Inu or can also refer to one another. "Check out what this shibe is doing." We are all shibes. "I'm a noob shibe."


Doge, can be used as a term for coin (donate 100 doge), dog (as in woof), or to refer to another person in the community as a doge, dogey,("What's up my doge?"). Ive seen dogey, doggey, and doges used as well. 


Water bowls, referes to the faucets. These are websites that community memers set up to give away free Doge if you submit your address. Usually used for Noobs to get them started.


So as you can see, sky is the limit with the Doge language, nothing you say can really be wrong. 


Check out his awesome article on the Doge Language explained by a Linguist.


Keep up with the Doge meme here.





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