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WTF is a hashrate, overlocking, blocks, oh my? Mining terminology will be discussed on this page below to help you better understand the crypto mining lingo. Hopefully we can get all your questions answered. If you still have questions, please contact us below and we will try to answer them in a timely manner.


CPU: Stands for Central Processing Unit, and is the brains of a computer where most calculations take place.


GPU: Stands for Graphics Processing Unit, and is a specialized chip that performs rapid mathematical calculations, primarily for the purpose of rendering images. In the early days of computing the CPU did these calculation, but as applications became more graphics intenisve, they put a strain CPUs degrading their performance. As a result, GPU's came about to offload these tasks from the CPU by freeing up its processing power. 


GPU's are mainly used these days for gaming enthusiasts, and more recently used for mining, as they perform better and faster than CPUs.

Check out our GPUs Guide here.


Address: and address is similar to an email and is used to receive Dogecoin when someone donates, tips, or pays you for something. 


Mining:  mining is the mechanism used to introduce new Dogecoin into the system, regulate, and secure the system. Fro more about mining read our Mining Guide.


Miner: is the term refered to the software that you use for mining. You install this on your computer and it hooks up to your pool. In Dogecoin there are a few, but the most popular is SGMiner.


Pool: is a group of people mining together to discover new blocks. The prize per block found is then distrubted evenly with the members in the pool depending on the shares they mined. 


Solo: is when you mine solo, not in a pool with a group. When you solo mine, it takes a lot longer for you to find a block, so it is not really recommended.


Block: A block is a record in the block chain that contains and confirms many waiting transactions. Roughly every 1 minute, on average, a new block including transactions is appended to the block chain through mining.


Block Chain: The block chain is a public record of Dogecoin transactions in chronological order. The block chain is shared between all Dogecoin users. It is used to verify the permanence of Dogecoin transactions and to prevent double spending.


Block Schedule:













Hashrate: The hash rate is the measuring unit of the processing power of the Dogecoin network. The Dogecoin network must make intensive mathematical operations for security purposes. When the network reached a hash rate of 10 Th/s, it meant it could make 10 trillion calculations per second.


Network Hashrate: This referes to the whole Dogecoin network's hashrate. Pools and solos alike. Think of it as the world. 


Pool Hashrate: This referes to that particular pool's collective hashrate. Think of it as a country. 


Pool Worker:  a pool worker is an ID with user name and password that you set up within your pool to mine the Dogecoin for you. Think of it as the litle person in the computer doing your mining. In order to hook up your computer to your pool you need your worker's user name and password. This is unique to every user and is how the computer identifies that the shares you're minng go to you. 


Core Clock: this refers to the speed the GPU runs at, usually it's shown by a number and Mhz following it.


Watts: refers to the Watts in electricity that card uses. This is particularly useful when doing the profit calculations. The more Watts a card uses the more electricity you will use. But also the more powerful the card usually is. 


Fan Speed: refers to the speed of the fan in your GPU card. The higher the percentag, the faster the fan is working to keep your GPU cool. Fans speeds are adjustable. 


Temperature: refers to the temperature of your GPU. Since most GPU's will run hot, they will have a gauge that let's you know how hot they are running. Some GPU's run hotter than others.


Overclocking: Can also be refered to as OCing, and referes to changing the clock speed settings on your GPU to run faster than it is originally intended to. Overlocking your card will give you higher hashrates, but it is a bit risky sinc it can overheat your card. Do this at your own risk. 


XDG: refers to the symbol used for DOGE/Dogecoin in the exchange market.


kH/s:  hashrate measured at 1,000 hashes/sec 


MH/s:  hashrate measured at 1,000,000 hashes/sec 





Mining Terminology

Block Numbers Per-Block Reward First Block Expected Coins Produced (approx) Expected Total Circulation (approx)
1-100,000 0-1,000,000 (random) 8 December, 2013 [45] 50,000,000,000 50,000,000,000
100,001-200,000 0-500,000 (random) 14 February, 2014 (estimated)[46] 25,000,000,000 75,000,000,000
200,001-300,000 0-250,000 (random) 25 April, 2014 (estimated) 12,500,000,000 87,500,000,000
300,001-400,000 0-125,000 (random) 3 July, 2014 (estimated) 6,250,000,000 93,750,000,000
400,001-500,000 0-62,500 (random) 10 September, 2014 (estimated) 3,125,000,000 96,875,000,000
500,001-600,000 0-31,250 (random) 19 November, 2014 (estimated) 1,562,000,000 98,437,500,000
600,001+ 10,000 (fixed) 27 January, 2015 (estimated) 5,256,000,000 per year No limit




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